
Non-Addictive, Non-Invasive Pain Relief Solutions

With the increasing epidemic of prescription drug abuse, and a gamut of potential adverse side effects, more people are looking for a natural, non-addictive and non-invasive solutions for treating their chronic pain. Market research shows that cold and heat are the most common types of non-addictive and non-invasive pain relief therapies for joint pain and muscles causing an increase in demand for products like MediBeads Moist Heat and Protocold Cold Therapy products from Bruder Healthcare Company. Why are thermal pain management solutions so popular? They are naturally effective at treating pain by decreasing inflammation and swelling and easy to use.

What makes moist heat therapy effective?

When we fall, twist an ankle, or bump our head the resulting injury culminates in inflammation, swelling, and even potentially bruising in an area. Even chronic issues like joint pain or low back pain have inflammation to blame for that constant unpleasant sensation. By treating a painful region with moist heat therapy we stimulate blood flow to that area and promote healing. Moist heat therapy opens the blood vessels and increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients necessary to relax muscles, tendons and ligaments.

How does cold therapy provide pain relief?

Cold therapy has the opposite effect of moist heat therapy; decreasing the blood flow to the region and thereby decreasing inflammation, swelling, and pain. Cold therapy is largely recommended in instances of acute pain, such as a sports injury or first aid emergency. Anytime you see bruising or swelling it is recommended you treat with cold therapy for 24-48 hours after the injury.

Convenient at-home heat and cold therapeutic solutions

Here at Bruder Healthcare Company, we are enormously passionate about the benefits of thermal pain management products. That is why we have carefully crafted our line of MediBeads moist heat therapy and Protocold cold therapy products. Each product is designed for effective, targeted treatment and are available in many unique shapes and sizes to suit your unique needs.
