What is Hypochlorous Acid?
Hypochlorous acid: a natural bacteria killer
Hypochlorous acid is a bactericidal component of the immune system. When your immune system encounters pathogens, it releases hypochlorous acid to kill the bacteria.
Daily use of the 100% pure hypochlorous acid solution is designed to assist in the removal of debris and micro-organisms that can contribute to eye irritation.
Hypochlorous acid eyelid cleansers
With over 30 million Americans suffering from dry eye disease, blepharitis, and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), it’s no wonder eye care professionals are turning their sights toward hypochlorous acid eyelid cleansers.
In eye care, hypochlorous acid works to support rapid and effective relief from dry eyes, styes, and red, itchy eyelids associated with conditions like blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and is designed to assist in the removal of foreign material and debris on and around the eyelid margins.
Hypochlorous acid has a multitude of uses in wound care, dermatology, dentistry and eye care.
Eye care professionals recommend the solution quite frequently and find it to be particularly helpful in the treatment of blepharitis, allergies, MGD, rosacea and surgical preparation
How It Works
Bruder Hygienic Eyelid Solution is an all-natural, isotonic saline wash that delivers prescription strength results without the cost and inconvenience of a prescription. This proprietary eyelid and lash solution, containing a pure and stable form of hypochlorous acid (HClO), works to support rapid and effective relief from dry eyes, styes, and red, itchy eyelids associated with conditions like blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).
Our powerful doctor-recommended solution also assists in the removal of foreign material and debris on and around the eyelid margin through a refreshing spray application that is soothing to sensitive skin. Containing no alcohol, oil, sulfates, sodium hypochlorite, parabens or added fragrance, Bruder Hygienic Eyelid Solution is an ideal foundation for good eyelid health and a beneficial addition to a daily eye care regimen for people with mild or moderate conditions.
When the immune system comes across pathogens, it releases hypochlorous acid to kill the bacteria. HCIO has shown highly effective in-vitro efficacy against a wide range of microorganisms, helping to fight infection, reduce inflammation, control the body’s response to injury, and enhance its natural ability to heal.

What Makes Bruder Hygienic Eyelid Solution Spray Different?
Important factors to consider when selecting a Hypochlorous Acid Eyelid Solution

[i] Stroman DW, Mintun K. Epstein AB, et al. Reduction in bacterial load using hypochlorous acid hygiene solution on ocular skin. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017;11:707–714. Published 2017 Apr 13. doi:10.2147/OPTH.S132851
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[iii] Stroman DW, Mintun K, Epstein AB, et al. Reduction in bacterial load using hypochlorous acid hygiene solution on ocular skin. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017;11:707–714. Published 2017 Apr 13. doi:10.2147/OPTH.S132851
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